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  • 1. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中 有两项为多余选项。

    Stepping out of your comfort zone ( 区域) helps you to improve yourself and become a happy and fun person. You'll experience greater enjoyment as you try out new experiences. .

    Unplug (拔掉插头)

    Take a break from today's interconnected world.  . You may feel a little uncomfortable at first, but you will know that is just part of the process to let you know better about yourself.

    Go to another country

    You will experience new cultures, different customs, unique landscapes and another language from travel.  . Additionally, the excitement of exploring different scenery and experiencing different cultures are lifelong treasure.

    Try diving, skydiving or a roller coaster ride. If those are too frightening, try giving a speech or taking a dance class. Once you overcome your inner fear, you will

    have a sense of satisfaction that comes from overcoming it.

    Talk with someone new

    This doesn't have to be a complete stranger. Start a conversation with someone new at work, the barista (咖啡师) in your local coffee shop, a neighbour or someone in the queue. . By focusing on other people rather than your own internal thoughts, you can improve your own mental health.

    A. Do something that is fearful for you

    B. Become uncomfortable with the Internet

    C. You can end your conversation with your friends anytime

    D. Leave your phone at home, turn off the TV and the Internet

    E. Here are some ways that can probably lead you to a new life

    F. See if you can continue the conversation for 30 seconds or longer

    G. Besides, using cash from different countries is also good for your brain
