Do you have such an experience? You went to bed early the night before, but you felt even more tired the next morning. The longer you sleep, the more tired you'll feel the next morning.
It will work out the best time for you to get up or go to sleep. Clearly, it's all to do with sleep cycles (周期).
Everyone sleeps in about five or six cycles. A sleep cycle lasts about 90 minutes. There are five stages of sleep. We move from light sleep in Stage 1 to very deep sleep in Stage 4. You may feel more tired if you wake up in Stage 4.
If you need to get up at 6 am, when do you need to go to bed?
To get up at 6 am, you're looking at a bedtime of 8:46 pm, 10:16 pm or even 11:46 pm. If you're a real night owl (夜猫子), 1:16 am is also OK.
★ How about 7 am?
Then you need to go to bed at either 9:46 pm or 11:16 pm. If you're having a late night and you don't like either of these, then 12:46 am and 2:16 am will also work.
★ How about 8 am?
Don't you need to get up early to get to work on time? 10:46 pm, 12:16 am, 1:46 am or 3:16 am.
If you want to wake up at a certain time, use the sleep calculator and you'll get a result
A. How about 6 am?
B. But, luckily for us, a sleep calculator (计算器) was made.
C. Here's what time you need to go to bed for an 8 am wake-up.
D. Do you need to make sure you get up at 7 am?
E. What are sleep cycles?