To improve your confidence and set yourself up for sunnier times ahead, try these strategies:
Big yourself up. Rather than focusing on the negatives, make an effort to recognise your plus points. Make a list of the things you like about yourself and compliments people pay you. Give yourself a mini-makeover. Changing your appearance can have a significant impact on how you feel. It's amazing how good a new dress, a haircut, or having your teeth whitened can make you feel. Always stand tall just looking confident will help you feel more confident.
Distance yourself from individuals who put you down. Research supports that supportive social relationships contribute to self-esteem. Make plans to spend time with these uplifting individuals and enjoy their company.
Try something new. Stepping out of your comfort zone will give you a sense of achievement and help your self belief. It's the right season for this fun water sport! Would you like to paint better? Look around for an art class. You'll get to meet like-minded people too.
Spot your own talent. No? It's time to start! You might be surprised. It could be cooking cryptic crosswords, dancing, speaking a foreign language or repairing things. Doing more of the things that you do well and taking some time to improve will boost (增强) your self-confidence.
Honestly speaking, building self-esteem is a journey that takes time and effort. Be kind to yourself and practice these strategies consistently.
A. Always fancied paddle boarding?
B. Make plans with positive people.
C. Would you engage in outdoor exercise?
D. Refer to it when you're doubting your worth.
E. Spend time outdoors, preferably in green spaces.
F. Do you ever think about your strengths and skills?
G. Even a humble shower can give your self-image a lift.