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  • 1. (2024高二上·贵港期末)  阅读理解

    We all love butterflies. Their beautiful wings attract us, and their presence lights up our garden. Well, that's our view of butterflies, but have you ever wondered what plants think of them?

    The butterflies' eggs lie on the underside of the leaves. The eggs themselves don't damage plants. However, upon coming into contact with the eggs, the plants become oversensitive. It means that once a plant recognizes a pest, it will cause death in the contacted plant part. When these dead leaves or partial leaf parts break away from the plant, the eggs on them fall off. Along with the hypersensitivity response, plants also produce something special, which can attract animals to cat the eggs, thus preventing damage in the future.

    After the baby butterflies come out of their eggs, the caterpillar (毛虫) stage begins. Most caterpillars feed on the leaves of the plants, damaging some of the plants in your own garden. Incredibly, they are major plant pests that bring about major losses to farmers. The next stage is pupa (蛹). The caterpillars begin their change into an adult. They don't depend on the energy that the leaves provide. Finally, they become adult butterflies that have wings and move from one plant to the other. They feed on the sweet liquid produced by flowers.

    While on their search for food, the butterflies carry pollen (花粉) on their body. They are key pollinators that place pollen from one flower to another in ecosystem. Plants that have flowers will create some special features to draw these pollinators' attention. Certain plants have flowers giving off smells that can charm butterflies when they are looking for a mate. Some plants even have flat flowers to assist butterflies when landing.

    Butterflies aid in pollination during their final adult stage. Thus, they change into beneficial insects to plants. This change makes butterflies an important friend of plants, despite being a hated enemy in previous life cycle stages!

    1. (1) How does a plant respond to butterflies' eggs?
      A . It tries to appeal to them. B . It tries to get rid of them. C . It grows a little better with them. D . It protects them from being eaten.
    2. (2) When do butterflies cause the greatest damage to agriculture?
      A . In the period of caterpillar. B . In the period of egg-laying. C . In the period of pupa. D . In the period of adult.
    3. (3) Which word can best describe the relationship between butterflies and plants?
      A . Unstable. B . Unfriendly. C . Inseparable. D . Independent.
    4. (4) What can be the best title for the text?
      A . Why do flowers need butterflies' pollination? B . How do plants defend themselves from pests? C . Are butterflies' life cycles similar to the plants'? D . Are butterflies beneficial or harmful to plants?
