How to Prepare for an Earthquake
An earthquake can be a very destructive natural disaster, particularly in the Pacific Rim region. After an earthquake, your home may be a mess and you might be left without a water supply or power. By doing so, you may minimize the damage and injury in and around your home.
· Create a disaster plan.
Form your plan and know what to do before the earthquake happens. The most important first step is understanding what to do when an earthquake hits.
In a real earthquake, this is your number one defense. Drop to the floor, take cover under a firm desk or table and hold on firmly. Namely, drop and cover your head from falling objects. Stay there until the shaking stops.
·Learn basic first aid.
There are resources in your community to educate people on how to deal with first aid emergencies.
·Write down and share emergency contact lists.
This should include everyone in your home, office, etc. In addition to normal contact information, ask each person to provide an emergency contact as well.
A. Stay away from the shaking house.
B. Practice "drop, cover and hold on".
C. Then go over your plan on a regular basis.
D. Therefore, you can turn to your family for help.
E. You need to know how to get in touch with them.
F. There are several things you can do to prepare for an earthquake.
G. For example, your local Red Cross has classes teaching you the basic skills.