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  • 1. (2024九下·深圳月考)  阅读下面短文, 从短文后所给的 A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选 项。

    Seven years ago, I was a 16-year-old girl doing a part-time job at an aquarium (水族馆). My passion for the 1  and my dream of becoming a biologist made every day at the aquarium exciting. I also got along well with the other workers.

    However, when "Shark Week" arrived, on the day of my duty, I suddenly fell 2 . My face appeared pale and I was about to 3 . My co-worker noticed and walked me to the office. Feeling really sick, I knew I had to take a 4 home.

    As I made my way to the bus stop, I passed a cupcake shop. Considering the hot weather, I decided to 5 myself to an ice cream. The woman at the checkout did the usual customer service "How's your day?" Hearing this, I almost 6 in tears as I explained that I wasn't well enough to work and that I would end up missing Shark Week. She looked at me in sympathy and 7 asked if I wanted some chocolate on my ice cream. I said sure. As I 8 for my purse, the woman immediately told me that it was on her. I was so 9 that I thanked her a million times before leaving.

    My memory isn't the best, but her act of kindness did make my terrible day better. Small kindnesses really make a 10 . The experience of that day has always reminded me to be a source of positivity for those around me, especially during difficult times.

    A .  art B .  city C .  ocean D .  mountain
    A .  ill B .  short C .  asleep D .  silent
    A .  set out B .  fall over C .  takeoff D .  grow up
    A .  car B .  bus C .  train D .  bike
    A .  apply B .  force C .  treat D .  bring
    A .  ran away B .  made up C .  held on D .  broke down
    A .  sadly B .  kindly C .  angrily D .  strangely
    A .  paid B .  cared C .  waited D .  reached
    A .  surprised B .  interested C .  moving D .  encouraging
    A .  deal B .  choice C .  comment D .  difference
