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  • 1. (2024七上·连平期末)  请通读下面对话,根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余项。

    Ms. Green: Hey, Rick. 

    Rick: Yes, come in. I am packing (正在打包) some things for my school trip.

    Ms. Green: 

    Rick: It's on Friday.

    Ms. Green: Where are you going for the trip?


    Ms. Green: Oh, I think you need to take a pair of sports shoes with you. 

    Rick: It's a radio for Mrs. Smith, my favorite teacher. Her birthday is on Friday, too. We want to have a party for her on that day.

    Ms. Green: Mrs. Smith is your favorite teacher. 

    Rick: Because she is nice to us and it's fun to have her lessons.

    Ms. Green: I see.

    A. What's that?

    B. Why do you like her?

    C. Are you in the room?

    D. When is your school trip?

    E. We're going to a farm (农场).

    F. She always helps me with math.
