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  • 1. (2024七上·连平期末)  配对阅读。上栏是五个人的情况介绍,下栏是七张照片的介绍,请为每个人找出与其对应的照片。并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。

    Dale has a big family of eight. He loves his family very much.

    Jenny has a new pencil box. It's red. Her mother buys it for her.

    Daming has a new friend. He's from America but he's in China now.

    Kate has a small room. Many things are in it, but it's very tidy.

    Peter can't find his keys. He feels very worried.

    A. Look! This is a photo of my new pencil box. It's a birthday present from my mother. It's red. Red is my favorite color. I like it very much.

    B. Look at this photo. A red schoolbag is in it. I found this schoolbag in the school dining hall this afternoon. You can call me at 652-5794.

    C. Look at this nice photo of my family. There are eight people in it. They are my grandparents, my parents, my aunt, my two sisters and me. I love them all!

    D. Look at this photo of my room! Lots of books are in the bookcase. My computer is on the desk. Beautiful pictures are on the walls. My room is small but I like it!

    E. This is a photo of a set of keys. I found it in the school library this morning. Is it yours? My telephone number is 841-5637. Call me.

    F. Look at the boy in the photo. He is my pen friend Bob. He's from England. He says he likes China very much. He wants to come to China one day.

    G. This is a nice photo of my new friend. He's an American boy. But now he's in Guangzhou, China with his parents. He likes his new life (生活) here.
