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  • 1. (2024八上·浦北期末)  根据语篇内容,判断下列句子正误。

    Will you be worried if you see any of these animals on your way to school?

    Walking sharks(鲨鱼)

    In 2006, scientists found a new kind of shark off the coast of Indonesia. It can "walk" with its fins along the coral reefs. These walking sharks are about 1 to 1. 2 metres long. If they are surprised by something, they can swim away using their fins.

    The platypus(鸭嘴兽)

    The platypus is found along the rivers and lakes of eastern Australia. It lays eggs like a bird, has webbed feet like a frog, a bill like a duck and is as poisonous as a snake! We are pleased to hear that it spends much of its life underground. 

    An unusual dolphin

    In 2006, a Japanese fisherman caught an unusual dolphin. It has an extra set of fins(额外的一套鱼鳍)near its tail, about the size of human hands. Scientists say that its extra fins could be the remains of back legs. This tells us that dolphins were once four-footed land animals. Scientists believe that as they spent more and more time in the water, their back legs slowly disappeared(消失)

    1. (1) Scientists found a new kind of shark in the country of Indonesia in 2000. 
    2. (2) These walking sharks can "walk" and swim with their fins.
    3. (3) The platypus is found along the rivers and lakes of western Australia. 
    4. (4) The dolphins were once four-footed animals living on land. 
    5. (5) Dolphins' back legs slowly disappeared as they grew older and older.
