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  • 1. (2023九上·红塔期中)  阅读理解

    Today is the twins'birthday(生日). They are twelve. Jim, Mike, Kate and Bill are the twins'friends. They want to buy some presents(礼物) for them. There is a big shop near their school. It sells a lot of things. In the shop, people can buy foods, drinks and school things. The shop closes very late. So they can buy things on their way home. They buy a big cake, two boxes of color pencils, an orange yo-yo and some nice exercise books. They want to buy two dolls and two toy trains for the twins. But all the dolls and toys are too expensive.

    1. (1) Bill's school is ____ the big shop.
      A . over B . in C . not near to D . not far from
    2. (2) They buy ____ on the twins'birthday.
      A . the oranges B . the dolls C . a yo-yo D . some story
    3. (3) They don't buy ____ in the shop.
      A . the cakes B . the pencils C . exercise books D . the toy
    4. (4) Which sentence is NOT true?


      A . The shop only sells all kinds of foods and fruits B . They can buy different kinds of things in the shop C . They may buy school things from the shop D . The dolls and toy trains in the shop aren't cheap
