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  • 1. (2024·重庆市模拟)  阅读理解

    What sports do you like doing? Are you in any of your school's teams? If yes, how did you make it?

    I did not pass the boys' basketball tryouts (预选赛) in seventh grade. Making the team was very important to me, but my name was not on the list. On the way home, I was both angry and upset. "I can't believe I didn't make the team, " I said loudly. "How did Alex make the team? He can't catch up with a tortoise (乌龟)! Why is Jimmy a better choice than me? He just stands around moving his arms!" "Adam!" my mom said,cutting me off. "Why don't you just stop and think? Maybe you need a little more practice."

    Suddenly (突然的), I knew she was right. It was nobody's fault (错误) but my own. I decided to work hard for the team over the next year. I practiced hard every day and had lessons every week. When summer came, I joined lots of basketball camps. Through camp after camp, my abilities grew, and I knew I was ready for tryouts in the fall.

    The day finally came. As everyone crowded around the lists, I played it cool and waited for my chance to read the names. I slowly looked down the list. Not only did I make it on the list, but my name was the very first!

    1. (1) From paragraph 2 we can know that ____.
      A . The writer didn't want to join the basketball team. B . The writer could play basketball very well. C . Jimmy and Alex are in the basketball team. D . Jimmy and Alex are not good at playing basketball.
    2. (2) The underlined phrases "cutting me off" means ____ in Chinese.
      A . 切成了两半 B . 用力打了我 C . 打断我的话 D . 很生我的气
    3. (3) The correct order of the following events is ____. 

      a.The writer didn't make the team when he was in seventh grade.

      b.He practiced hard from then on. 

      c.He knew of his mistake. 

      d.He joined lots of basketball camps over summer. 

      e.His mother asked him to think hard about his own problems. 

      f.His name was the first on the list and he finally made the team.

      A . a-c-e-b-d-f B . a-e-c-b-d-f C . a-e-b-d-f-c D . a-e-c-b-f-d
    4. (4) What is the best title (标题) for this passage?
      A . Join the Team B . Never Stop Trying C . Talent is Important D . Trust Your Friends
