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  • 1. (2024·红河模拟)  阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    After a few months of borrowing his old white Ford and my constant begging, dad finally agreed it was time for me to own my very first car. So we headed straight to the used car section. A little cute car caught my attention. My dad wanted to get it thoroughly checked out before purchasing it, but not me. I was in a hurry. "Daaaad. Let's just pick one already. I want this one..." Finally, he had to give in.

    No sooner had I driven off the lot than the problems started. First, the overheating. Next, the knocking coming from the engine. But oh no! I was not to be stopped. I just wouldn't look at it. Annoying little sound coming from the engine? I could just turn up the radio. Problem solved!

    Ignoring all the warnings, I was heading out the door to a Friday night party in my college town. I had been looking forward to it for weeks. But as the night arrived, an unexpected winter snowstorm came along.

    My dad tried to persuade me to stay at home. But I was not listening. I was an adult, thank you very much. I was not about to miss that party. I swung by and picked up my friend Carrie and the two of us started on our thirty-minute drive in the snow.

    Just as we hit a long stretch of somewhat deserted highway, something happened. My precious little car spit and sputtered (发出) its final breath... and died! Luckily, I had just enough time to move to the side of the highway, just barely over the line onto the shoulder, before it came to a complete stop.

    And there we were. Two eighteen-year-old girls stranded (使滞留) on the side of the road on a snowy dark night. We called 911 for help, but unfortunately the signal was so weak that we could hardly hear each other. After several vain attempts, we began to wave down passing cars, but with no luck.




    We were anxious and at a loss what to do when I heard my phone ring.

    Forty minutes later, my dad came out of the familiar white Ford.
