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  • 1. (2023高三上·诸暨月考)  阅读理解

    As vast fields surrounding Beijing and Shanghai transformed into towering skyscrapers, and old bicycles gave way to motor vehicles, the essence of music communication remained unchanged over these shifts.

    "I'll never forget that I've never seen so many bicycles in my life," Philadelphia Orchestra violinist Davyd Booth said, recalling his first tour in China 50 years ago. "Everyone rode a bicycle. There were literally hundreds, thousands."

     This month, 14 musicians from the Philadelphia Orchestra, including Booth, are returning to China, with performances scheduled in Beijing, Tianjin, Suzhou and Shanghai. The tour marks the 50th anniversary(周年纪念日) of their first visit in the 1970s, celebrating the unique friendship between China and the United States. Over the years, the orchestra(管弦乐团) has strengthened connections across China, with concerts and residencies that facilitate meaningful people-to-people interactions.

    Booth said the 1973 tour was his first international trip with the orchestra. He considered himself lucky to have been part of the tour. He had just auditioned(试演) and got accepted into the orchestra that year. His official start date was scheduled after the orchestra's return from China, but Booth received a call from the personnel manager informing him that someone had fallen ill. He then took the place and went to China.

    "I was incredibly thrilled! Then, after I hung up, I realized I didn't even have a passport," Booth said. However, he got his passport and visa in just three days, thanks to the strong support from both countries. With his violin in tow, Booth joined the team on the 15-hour flight to China.

    In addition to some regular compositions, the Philadelphia Orchestra also played the Yellow River Concerto, one of the most popular piano concertos in China even today. The Philadelphia Orchestra cooperated on this ensemble (合奏) with a Chinese pianist, marking the earliest ties between the US and China in music.

    After the concert, the team was hanging around on the streets, Booth said. It was a fun experience even though people did not know how to talk to locals because of language barriers, he said. "You can communicate a lot by smiling, and it worked out very, very well," he added.

    1. (1) What is the passage generally about?
      A . US artists will give live performances. B . Booth recalled his first visit to China. C . Great changes have occurred in China. D . China and the US are living in peace.
    2. (2) What do you know from paragraph 3?
      A . The orchestra is popular in America. B . Music performances happen a lot in China. C . Music communication remains active. D . Booth has come to China for the 50th time.
    3. (3) Booth meant that his getting the chance to come to China in 1973 was just a(an)____.
      A . magic B . mistake C . luxury D . accident
    4. (4) What is the role music plays based on the passage?
      A . It serves to build bridge. B . It stimulates people's interest. C . It contributes to equality. D . It removes barriers to harmony.
