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  • 1. (2023高三上·诸暨月考)  阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

    The Save

    Instantly Casey raised her hand, she feared she had made an awful mistake.

    "OK," Coach said. "Casey will be goalie (守门员) in the fourth quarter."

    Casey nodded uneasily. She had just joined the Eagles. Now she had volunteered to be goalie, a position that required confidence, which she lacked.

    Casey swallowed hard when taking her turn in front of the goal for pre game warm-ups. The goal suddenly looked as big as a movie screen.

    When Casey jogged over to her dad near the sidelines, she said quietly, "I cannot do it.", blinking back tears. "Sure you can," Dad encouraged her. "Just keep your head up and be aggressive (好斗的). You might surprise yourself."

    The game kicked off and Casey's teammates scored three quick goals. Clearly, they were the better team mostly because their opponents' best player was at a piano recital (演奏会). At halftime the Eagles led, 4 to 0. But then she noticed the Comets' star, number 25 racing toward the field. The piano recital had ended.

    Number 25 was flashing across the field, dribbling (带球) past defenders. She zipped past several players and kicked the ball hard into the goal. It was 4 to 1. Two minutes later, number 25 intercepted (拦截) a pass and weaved down (穿行) the field, controlling the ball as if it were tied to her foot. She scored again. It was 4 to 2.

    Casey felt her stomach tighten. Soon she would be the one helplessly guarding the goal.

    The whistle went. Number 25 scored a third time. The Eagles led by one goal.

    "OK, Casey," Coach said as the Eagles huddled up before the fourth quarter. "You go in goal."

    Casey stood in front of the net. She yelled for her teammates, who were dominating the game again. They hadn't scored, but Casey hadn't had to make any saves either. Number 25 appeared to be tired.

    Casey's heart raced whenever the ball came. But each time it was kicked away. Now there were two minutes left. "Hurry up," Casey thought. "If I never have to touch the ball, we'll win the game. I'll never ..."


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    Suddenly number 25 had the ball and was racing up the side-line.

    Casey backed quickly toward the net as number 25 sent another shot.
