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  • 1. (2024·莆田模拟) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的ABCD四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

    It was like finding a needle in a haystack. Shelly Romo surveyed what was 1 of her home in Maui, which was hit by a deadly wildfire, hoping to find her wedding ring, expecting to leave 2 . But luckily, after three hours' 3 with volunteers, it finally appeared, the diamond 4 but the band completely damaged. Romo and her husband went straight to No Ka' Oi Jewelers — a local business that has been 5 fire-damaged jewelry free of charge.

    No Ka' Oi owner Omi Chamdi said he was one of the 6 ones — the fires had avoided his home and storefront. That's why, in its aftermath, he immediately sprang into action and advertised 7 restorations. "When the fires here on Maui occurred, pretty 8 I decided this is something I can do and I really want to do for the 9 community."

    However, Chamdi doesn't restore the jewelry himself; 10 he has been paying for the restoration services. When asked if he ever 11 that, he shook his head. "These are not just ordinary items, these are the most 12 possessions that people go back and dig through the 13 to find."

    14 , Romo was not ready to say goodbye when the fires destroyed her home. But finding her wedding ring and getting it restored gave Romo some peace about 15 .

    A .  expected B .  reminded C .  left D .  robbed
    A .  bright-eyed B .  light-hearted C .  absent-minded D .  empty-handed
    A .  talks B .  journey C .  waiting D .  efforts
    A .  sound B .  broken C .  solid D .  gone
    A .  recycling B .  restoring C .  marketing D .  advertising
    A .  distinctive B .  lucky C .  helpful D .  anxious
    A .  perfect B .  extra C .  free D .  instant
    A .  quickly B .  excitedly C .  cautiously D .  hesitantly
    A .  affected B .  nearby C .  calm D .  united
    A .  therefore B .  otherwise C .  nevertheless D .  instead
    A .  expected B .  enjoyed C .  rejected D .  regretted
    A .  precious B .  necessary C .  beautiful D .  expensive
    A .  items B .  houses C .  ruins D .  boxes
    A .  Eventually B .  Originally C .  Gradually D .  Naturally
    A .  rising up B .  moving on C .  giving in D .  taking off
