Recently, many netizens posted videos on social media claiming that Harbin has launched a "photo shoot with a white fox" project to entertain tourists. The white fox in the video (have) a soft and cute appearance, and after being artificially raised and managed, its fur is clean and odorless (无气味), providing tourists with a good experience and (frequent) appearing on the hot search list.
For this project, some people believe it is innovative tourism experience that can increase the interactivity and participation of tourists, while others are concerned about the safety and health of the white fox. In fact, these white foxes are professionally trained to have close contact humans, and they do not bite. In addition, the scenic area has taken multiple (measure) to ensure the welfare and safety of the white fox.
Mr. He, the person in charge of Harbin Songhua River Ice and Snow Carnival, said that the scenic area has introduced this project to (well) meet customer needs. These white foxes have been bred (饲养) and domesticated (驯化), so there is no need to worry about (catch) and bitten by foxes.
Mr. He said that due to the continuous (popular) of the White Fox on social media, more and more tourists are taking photos with it. (welcome) tourists, the scenic area often takes care of the white fox, keeping its fur clean and fresh, providing visitors with a better experience.