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  • 1. 阅读短文,根据其内容完成下列任务。

    Dear Mom,

    Have I ever told you I once felt that my classmates' moms loved them more than you loved me? They cooked for their kids, cleaned their rooms and picked them up after school. You hardly ever did those things for me.

    I cleaned my own room at the age of 5. At 10, I came home alone(独自)after school. When I was 12, I prepared (准备) dinner for the whole family every evening. Then I ① ____ to think that other moms were better(更好)than you.

    Then one day, I overheard(无意中听到) a classmate saying: " My mom is ② ____ on business today. Nobody(无人)is cooking for me. What can I eat? I am hungry(饿)now. " At that moment, I thought to myself: " How lucky I can cook myself!" Then I finally understood why my mom asked me to do all the things on my own. Yes, as it says, the art of parents' love is knowing when to let go.

    Mom, thank you for everything you did for me.



    1. (1) 请根据短文内容,在文中①、②处填入所缺单词。

    2. (2) 从文中找出与下列句子意思相同的句子,并把它摘抄在下面横线上。

      It's very lucky that I can cook myself.

    3. (3) 翻译文中划线的句子。
    4. (4) Who is the letter to?
    5. (5) When did the boy begin to cook supper for the whole family?
