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  • 1. (2023五下·电白期中) 选择最佳答案填空,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里。

    1. (1) There ____ any cars many years ago.
      A . are B . were C . weren't
    2. (2) My grandma didn't have a television ____ a radio.
      A . and B . but C . or
    3. (3) Sam ____ Chinese food very much now.
      A . like B . likes C . liked
    4. (4) The world is ____ very fast.
      A . changing B . change C . changed
    5. (5) What ____ it say?
      A . is B . does C . do
    6. (6) Let me take ____ to China.
      A . they B . them C . their
    7. (7) The bag has got four wheels. It's ____ for you to carry.
      A . easy B . hard C . heavy
    8. (8)  Mum ____ noodles for us yesterday morning.
      A . is cooking B . cooks C . cooked
    9. (9) 你想表达这件衬衫对你来说太大了,你会说:
      A . This shirt is too big for me. B . This T-shirt is too big for me. C . This shirt is too small for me.
    10. (10) Tom 想做一份关于动物的科学项目,他想查找一些资料,你会如何给他建议:
      A . You can buy a book. B . You can go to the park. C . You can find information from books, films and e-books.
