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  • 1. (2023高三下·阜阳月考) 阅读理解

    "Going wireless is the future for just about everything!" That is a quote from scientist Sreekanth Chalasani, and we can't help but agree. Realizing this, a team of scientists has made a breakthrough toward wirelessly controlling human cells using sound, in a technique called "sonogenetics (声遗传学)." This concept may seem strange but let us explain.

    Basically, the term "sonogenetics" means using ultrasound (超声波) to change the behavior of cells in a non-invasive manner. "We already know that ultrasound is safe, and that it can go through bone, muscle and other tissues, making it the ultimate tool for controlling cells deep in the body," says Chalasani.

    Low-frequency ultrasound waves can target a particular protein that is sensitive to the signal. This research, published in Nature Communications, focused on TRPA

    1. When this protein is stimulated through the ultrasound waves, it also stimulates the cells which carry it. What type of cell is being stimulated depends on the outcome. For example, a muscle cell may contract with stimulation, or a neuron (神经元) in the brain will fire. In this experiment, scientists genetically marked cells with an increased concentration of TRPA1, making them the key targets of the ultrasound waves.

    Currently, treating conditions like Parkinson's disease requires scientists to implant electrodes (电极) in the brain which stimulate certain disordered cells. Researchers hope that sonogenetics can one day replace these invasive treatments.

    In the future, the team wants to adjust the placement and amount of TRPAI around the body using the gene treatment. Gene delivery techniques have already been shown to be successful in humans, such as in treating blindness. Therefore, it's just a case of adjusting this theory to a different sound-based setting.

    "Gene delivery techniques already exist for getting a new gene—such as TRPA1—into the human heart," Chalasani says. "If we can then use an external ultrasound device to activate those cells, that could really change pacemakers." There is still a while to go before this treatment can become a reality. The future for sonogenetics, though, looks bright.

    1. (1) What's working principle for sonogenetics?
      A . Using medicine interventional therapies. B . Changing cells' shape with new equipment. C . Controlling cells in a non-invasive manner. D . Using a kind of unique medical composition.
    2. (2) What did the scientists do in the experiment?
      A . Change the concentration of the protein. B . Find target cells for treatment precisely. C . Analyze the protein sensitive to the sign. D . Choose the type of cell to be stimulated.
    3. (3)  What can we learn about sonogenetics from Paragraphs 4 and 5?
      A . It can be applied to other fields besides medicine. B . It may replace some traditional medical therapies. C . It will totally transform gene delivery techniques. D . It has succeeded in curing diseases like blindness.
    4. (4) What's the best title for the text?
      A . Can cells be controlled by sound? B . How is sonogenetics clinically used? C . Are gene delivery techniques available? D . What are applications of sonogenetics?
