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  • 1. (2024·长兴模拟) 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Stan dreamed to take part in the Olympics.

    It was 1 dinner.

    When Stan's family was seated, he2 ,"I'm going to the Olympics."

    "Fourth-graders can do that?"Emma, his sister asked3

    "I can!"Stan said."If I practice until I'm perfect, I can't fail."

    "I'm sure you can do it if you put your mind to it."said Dad. His mom4 ,"Emm... you must decide what sport you will take up and that's a big5 ."

    The first week, Stan tried to practice table tennis. It didn't seem as 6 as he thought. As a result, a ball hit his eye. The next week, he took up hurdling(跨栏). 7 , he hit his foot on a hurdle. The 8 week,Stan's arm got hurt.

    "What happened?"Emma asked.

    "Let's just say throwing the discus(铁饼) is not fit for9 ."said Stan.

    The following week, the family sat down for Sunday dinner 10 .

    "I've decided not to play a sport."said Stan.

    Emma's eyes opened wide."You're11 your Olympic dream?"

    "No."said Stan."I'm12 going to the Olympics."

    Stan held up a book titled Is Sports Medicine the Career for You?"Over the past few13 , I've discovered that sportsmen need a lot of14 help. So I'll go to the Olympics as usual—as a sports doctor, not a sportsman."

    Mom and Dad laughed."Now that is a great15 , not a dream, Stan!"said Dad,"Just go for it!"

    A .  Tuesday B .  Friday C .  Saturday D .  Sunday
    A .  announced B .  continued C .  advised D .  replied
    A .  proudly B .  excitedly C .  surprisedly D .  patiently
    A .  waved B .  nodded C .  imagined D .  warned
    A .  goal B .  deal C .  test D .  program
    A .  special B .  popular C .  easy D .  important
    A .  However B .  Besides C .  Certainly D .  So
    A .  second B .  third C .  fourth D .  fifth
    A .  him B . you C . her D . me
    A .  on time B .  at last C .  as usual D .  at once
    A .  worrying about B .  turning down C .  thinking of D .  giving up
    A .  still B .  never C .  almost D .  always
    A .  days B .  weeks C .  months D .  years
    A .  unexpected B .  secret C .  medical D .  special
    A .  success B .  suggestion C .  plan D .  honor
