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  • 1. (2024·广东模拟)  通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

    Once upon a time, there was a man named Joe. He 1 over two years building a big house. The house was so beautiful. But as time went by, his house started to have some 2

    One day, his old neighbor went past it and said, "Your house is beautiful, but the3 in the garden is growing fast." Joe answered quickly, "I know, but it's OK. I will cut it tomorrow."

    A few days later, Joe's friend4 . His friend said, "Your house is wonderful, but the windows are broken. You need to5 them." Joe replied, "I know, but it's OK. I will fix them tomorrow."

    Weeks passed by. Joe's garden was in a mess and the windows were6 down. One day, his father visited him. He was7 at what he saw. He said to Joe8 , "Joe, how lazy you are! What have you done for your house? It could fall down at anytime!"

    Just the next day, after a heavy rainstorm(暴风雨), Joe's9 fell down!

    There are many Lazys around us. Are you10 , too? Have you ever put off something to "tomorrow", "next month" or even "next year"? It's much better to just deal with things today than tomorrow.

    A .  took B .  paid C .  spent D .  cost
    A .  problems B .  rules C .  ideas D .  questions
    A .  fish B .  grass C .  ground D .  floor
    A .  looked after B .  took care C .  found out D .  came round
    A .  cut B .  use C .  fix D .  put
    A .  showing B .  making C .  keeping D .  falling
    A .  surprised B .  relaxed C .  interested D .  excited
    A .  quickly B .  angrily C .  slowly D .  happily
    A .  park B .  school C .  house D .  shop
    A .  busy B .  crazy C .  lazy D .  lucky
