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    The coffee shop, HINICHIJOU, in Shanghai is famous these days, because it is quite different from other common shops. 

    There're no doors, seats or tables in the shop but only a wall with a hole. People order their coffee online. Then someone in the shop serves them through the hole in the wall. The person wears a pair of "bear claws(熊爪)". After serving the coffee, he may give a flower to people outside or shake hands with them. No matter what kind of coffee people order, the price is 20yuan. It is really cheap in Shanghai.

      ▲   Yingying is one of them. Although she is deaf, she once won first prize in coffee making. Wang Haiqing, one of the owners of the shop, says the main reason to open HINICHIJOU is to provide more jobs for disabled people. With the wall in the shop, disabled people don't need to talk to people face­to­face. In this way, they can work more comfortably. 

    HINICHIJOU is not the first shop in Shanghai to employ(雇佣)disabled people. The shop owners bring in the disabled workers and train them so that they could learn new skills and get work experience. 

    1. (1) What can we know about the coffee shop?
      A . Few people know where it is. B . People can't sit to enjoy their coffee there. C . It gets orders by answering calls. D . A machine controls the bear claws.
    2. (2) Which sentence can be put into   ▲  
      A . The disabled can get a cup of coffee for free. B . People take photos in front of the wall. C . Many people like to buy coffee here. D . Three disabled people run the store.
    3. (3) What do we know about Yingying?
      A . She is an excellent salesperson. B . She became deaf two years ago. C . She is good at making coffee. D . She is the owner of the shop.
    4. (4) Why did they start the unusual coffee shop?
      A . To make people's life full of fun. B . To help disabled people find jobs. C . To provide coffee for disabled people. D . To make more people fall in love with coffee.
    5. (5) Which can be the best title of the passage?
      A . The hole in the wall B . A lucky deaf worker C . A good shop owner D . The disabled in the shop
