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  • 1. (2024·长沙模拟)  七选五

    How to be more productive

    Getting things done isn't working all day at 100 miles an hour.. And the following tips can definitely help you.

    Smaller tasks like answering emails are "shallow work". Try to be more conscious of what your shallow tasks are, and give yourself permission to block them out for a while so you can focus on the important tasks that require "deep work".

    Call it a day

    For good productivity, be strict about when your working day is over, and when you get to the end of your planned work session, ease yourself into a more relaxed state. Look through your unfinished work.. Then close that textbook or laptop and say something out loud like "Shutdown complete!" After that? Have some fun. Give your mind the rest it's earned.

    Find your top level goal

    . Find the big thing that we could call your life's purpose, like inspiring others, or helping people in society. Put that at the top. On the next level you'll have mid-level goals like passing an exam. The goals below-it-should all feed into your top-level. They'll be smaller, more practical things — perhaps writing an email, or doing some research. If they don't help with achieving your top goal, then get rid of them!

    Make your breaks smarter

    Time-management master Francesco Cirillo says that for every 25 minutes of intense concentration, you should take five off to do nothing at all, which gives the brain time to recover and keeps your productivity high. . Move around, stare out of a window.

    A. Shut out the shallow

    B. Make out the shallow

    C. Find some pictures of kittens and puppies first

    D. Organise your priorities by making a pyramid of goals

    E. In the five-minute breaks, don't jump on your phone

    F. Write a short plan of how you'll tackle it tomorrow

    G. Looking for ways to do less and get more done actually makes more sense
