If you are someone who suffers from exam anxiety, you are not alone. Some levels of stress are normal, and they do serve a purpose. Stress can improve your school performance, encourage you to think more quickly and get you to study more efficiently. However, high levels of stress and anxiety have harmful effects on both your mental health and performance. Fortunately, there are things you can do to try and relieve exam anxiety.
Simply being aware of what is causing your anxiety can help you reduce exam anxiety. Take some time to think about what could be causing your anxiety. Once you know the causes, you will be clear about how to treat it.
Revision is about revisiting things you have learned before, not teaching yourself a new topic. If you feel you are really behind, you could turn to a private teacher. For example, you are struggling with English, and you have no idea how to begin your revision, then an English teacher is advisable.
Maybe you have been fine the whole time, and you haven't felt any anxiety. Then you walk into the exam hall, and it rushes over you. Firstly, make sure that you do everything to keep you physically comfortable. Have you been to the toilet? Are you too hot or too cold?
Then take some deep breaths. Remember that most people will be nervous; it's natural. So just focus on your exam.