Kwane Stewart, a devoted vet (兽医) in San Diego, had reached a point of burnout in his career. The animal 1 where he worked was full of abandoned pets as people 2 to deal with the ongoing economic decline. In those days, animals would be euthanized (安乐死) if they weren't 3 in seven days. The cruel reality deeply troubled Stewart, even leading him to consider 4 his profession.
One fateful day, outside a convenience store, he 5 a homeless man with a dog suffering from a visible skin issue. The man, 6 for a solution, shared his dog's suffering. Stewart examined the dog and then 7 some medicine to him. In tears, the man thanked Stewart, saying "Thank you for not 8 me". The very words served as a wakeup call to Steward and inspired his next 9 .
Stewart began working as a street vet during his free time, determined to 10 on his own. Over a nine-year period, he provided 11 medical care for over 1,000 homeless people and their pets and in 2020, he created a nonprofit organization Project Street Vet.
For Stewart, the most rewarding aspect of his work lies in the one-on-one 12 with the homeless. By 13 helping their cherished companion, Stewart helps 14 their faith in humanity. Their gratitude fuels him to continue his mission, offering 15 to those facing awful circumstances.