As a mushroom scientist,you are vastly outnumbered,with estimates suggesting that there are between 2.2 million and 3.8 million species of fungi ( 真 菌 ) ,the majority of which are yet to be identified.However,professionals in the field are not alone in their efforts to uncover new species.An enthusiastic community of amateurs has emerged, bridging the gap between professionals and non-professionals.These amateurs have even made significant discoveries.One such amateur is Taylor Lockwood,a 74-year-old mushroom enthusiast and professional photographer.
In 1984,while living on the Mendocino coast of California,Taylor Lockwood developed a fascination with mushrooms."Outside my cottage were these amazing mushrooms,"he says. "And it was as if these mushrooms looked at me and said,‘Taylor,go out and tell the world how pretty we are.'"Lockwood answered their call and purchased camera equipment to capture their true nature.His passion for photographing mushrooms was so intense that he would even dig holes next to the mushrooms to get the perfect angle for his shots.
In the Monongahela National Forest,Taylor Lockwood discovered an unusual mushroom that looked like tiny fingers wearing off-white gloves.Upon further investigation,fungi researcher Amy Rossman confirmed that it was a"hazel glove" mushroom,which is a rare find."Mushrooms are not like plants,"Rossman says."They don't come up at the same time every year,and so sometimes it can be decades between when a fungus fruits."Rossman says that's why it's so valuable to have people like Taylor Lockwood searching through the forest with a trained eye.
A few years ago,Taylor Lockwood realized that still photos weren't sufficient,so he chose to create time-lapse(延时拍摄的)videos of mushrooms."When I do time-lapse, I see so much life happening around the mushrooms —insects,worms and other small creatures interacting with them,"he says.Lockwood's love for art is evident in his approach to filming mushrooms over time.Although he appreciates the scientific aspect of his work,he identifies himself as an artist at heart.