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  • 1. (2017·普陀模拟) 语法填空(用括号内所给词的正确形式填空)

    1. (1) Peter has spent most of his summer holidays at various around the world. (beach)
    2. (2) Before giving an answer, the students were asked to discuss among first. (they)
    3. (3) George started flying in his and quickly became an excellent pilot. (twenty)
    4. (4) Though the concert was given by a new , it was a great success. (sing)
    5. (5) All the people moved around so as not to wake up the sleeping baby. (quiet)
    6. (6) None of his friends thought he was doing the right thing to get . (lucky)
    7. (7) If you to go rock climbing this weekend, please let me know. (decision)
    8. (8) We need more cases in the classroom to put the school bags in. (wood)
