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  • 1. (2017·鄂州模拟) 完形填空

        Thirteen years ago, my sister, a very beautiful girl, was born. _1_, we were later told that this little girl, who was three and a half months premature(早产的), would only have 14 days on the earth. It's hard to understand what kind of 2you have when you find out that you're losing something that you don't even know.

        As time went on, the number of days kept growing, which gave us hope. When the doctors said that we could take her home, that was when reality(现实)hit. We had no 3_.

        I am from a small town with small hospitals, but when you don't have money, you just don't have it. My mother tried for days to get the money, but nothing _4 each time. A caseworker was doing her best. It's5that it almost felt as if we had to 6a baby from the hospital.

        One day the caseworker walked into her boss's office to try again. As she walked out. Feeling 7again, out of nowhere a man walked up to her. He 8her a bag of money and said, “Please give this to the lady in need, so she can take her daughter home.” She looked 9_at her hand with tears in her eyes. As she looked up to thank him, he was gone. They searched all over that hospital and he was nowhere to be found.

        Thanks to the guy that I will 10_ know, we could take that beautiful baby girl home, and celebrate her 13th birthday yesterday. I am thankful to this man and feel that his act of kindness should be shared with everyone.

    A . Besides B . However C . Instead D . Therefore
    A . hobby B . friendship C . feeling D . habit
    A . car B . hospital C . money D . house
    A . made up B . set up C . came up D . gave up
    A . sad B . necessary C . impossible D . interesting
    A . save B . visit C . buy D . protect
    A . satisfied B . moved C . disappointed D . interested
    A . asked B . handed C . paid D . borrowed
    A . up B . down C . with D . in
    A . even B . still C . never D . almost
