The 8th School Musical Show!
The school isholdingthe8th School Musical Show for Grades 7—9onFeb. 2at Youth Center, QunzhongRoadat9a. m. All students are welcome to have a try for the audition(试演) of the show. It will begin on Feb. lat 9a. m. in the school's Central Hall.
For more information, pleaseemailMr. Blackat black123@126. com. Oryou can goto the school'sCentralHallwhenhegivesmusiclessonsfrom8:00to15:00.
Mount Gu Climbing Day!
Grades7—8:9:30—11:30a. m. ,
Grade9:1:40—3:40p. m.
On Friday, Feb. 11, we will hold our Mount Gu Climbing Day. It will be a day of laughs and lotsof fun. Be sure to tell your children to bring cameras and take pictures.
This climbing day is for our school to get together for a wonderful two-hour activity. There won't be any tests for the students. They will get only happiness and the feeling of being together.