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  • 1. (2024六下·中原期末) 时间在变,万物在变,你关注到我们身边的变化了吗?请阅读短文,完成下面的任务。

    Changes around us


    Before the air in our city was not clean. And 
    the sky was not always blue. We couldn't see 
    the stars at night. But now we plant many 
    trees. Our city becomes more and more 


    Before, I didn't have Robin. Now I stay with 
    him every day. He can help me do many 
    things. Now I have another family member,
    Max. Before, he was small. Now he is bigger.
    He runs after me every day. I love him.


    Before, there was no gym in my school. We 
    couldn't run or jump on rainy days. Now we 
    have a big one. We can play sports in it.Before, there was no dining hall either. We ate lunch
    in the classroom. Now we have a new one. I
    like it very much.


    Before, we had to go to the shops or the supermarkets to buy things. Now we can buy 
    clothes, food, we had to take cash(现金) 
    for shopping. Now we just need to take a 
    smartphone. It's very convenient(便捷).

    1. (1) 请为每段文字选择合适的标题,将序号填入相应的横线上。
      A. Changes in the family
      B. Changes in school
      C. Changes in ways of shopping
      D. Changes in the city
    2. (2) We ate lunch in the ____ before.
      A . dining hall B . classroom C . gym
    3. (3) ____ was small before.Now he is bigger.
      A . Robin B . Zoom C . Max
    4. (4) Our city becomes more and more beautiful.Because we ____.
      A . build many buildings B . plant many trees C . have many cars
