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  • 1. (2017高二上·凌源月考) 完形填空

        A talented actor, producer, and singer. Will Smith is a success. In fact, his huge success can1back to some valuable lessons life taught him early on.

        Once Will's father2him an outdoor project. He had to rebuild a long 3wall in the yard. He had to  4concrete and place one brick at a time, eventually covering the entire wall. Will felt surprised at their father's demand5 he couldn't even think of completing a project as big as this. However, with the 6of “one brick more”, he completed it in six months. Will who7was so pessimistic about the job, felt a sense of 8 , and so did his father. Even today when Will thinks that he won't be able to do 9, he looks back to it and 10himself, “one brick at a time.”

        As a refrigeration engineer, Will's father often11stores to install freezers. Will mostly12his father. During one such visit, both Will and his father were installing a freezer in a supermarket basement and the employees had 13a rat killing solution across the floor. Both Will and his dad went in 14the place for the compressor(压缩机), and they found a dead rat. Will's dad had to 15the exact place where the rat had died; his dad,16 even the slightest hesitation held the dead rat with his bare hands. He removed the17and fixed the compressor. This taught Will that one should never 18 about life. this made him realize the value of 19and hard work.

        Every successful man is shaped right from his 20. To achieve dreams, one should be disciplined and determined.

    A . date B . get C . look D . reflect
    A . supported B . financed C . allocated D . supplied
    A . outer B . broken C . grand D . broad
    A . mix B . move C . split D . transport
    A . though B . whether C . because D . unless
    A . help B . exception C . development D . attitude
    A . previously B . carelessly C . universally D . gradually
    A . belonging B . pride C . reality D . responsibility
    A . everything B . nothing C . anything D . something
    A . expresses B . accuses C . reminds D . comforts
    A . entered B . visited C . opened D . enlarged
    A . abused B . understood C . rewarded D . accompanied
    A . spread B . found C . overlooked D . avoided
    A . giving away B . looking for C . speeding up D . dropping off
    A . govern B . consider C . seize D . fix
    A . after B . despite C . without D . beyond
    A . container B . floor C . solution D . rat
    A . go B . leave C . complain D . set
    A . determination B . organization C . devotion D . construction
    A . adulthood B . childhood C . fatherhood D . brotherhood
