Leather-making in Florence dates back hundreds of years to the 13th century. A look at leather craftsmen in Florence will help you know more about Italian leather.
The leather factory-PIEROTUCCI
Join a free tour of the factory and you'll get a deep dive into the process of making a handbag. After seeing what it takes to make a bag by hand, you'll no longer wonder why PIEROTUCCI prices come with two zeros at the end. And you'll know that if you do spend the money, the bag will last forever
The leather shoe store—STEFANO BEMER
STEFANO BEMER was famous for its hand-tailored shoes. The elegant store that sells shoes that cost hundreds,and in some cases thousands,of dollars is also where apprentices (学徒) learn their skills: visible in the front section of the store.
The leather school—Scuola del Cuoio
Walking into the courtyard of the Scuola del Cuoio feels a little like walking onto a mini college campus. You leave the busy street as you enter the historic building. The school specializes in making one-of-a-kind bags and in teaching paying students the secrets of high-quality leather working.
The bookbinding (书籍装订) store——Il Torchio
Il Torchio is a beautiful bookbinding store run by Erin Ciulla. If you ask Ciulla, she might take you to see the "guillotine", which is actually a very large, antique-looking machine that's used to cut large amounts of paper. Beyond binding with leather covers, Ciulla also covers books, journals, and photo albums in hand-made papers.