Young children don't get sarcasm(冷嘲热讽)—but by the time they're teens,it can be their default(默认的) mode.Here's what science tells us about the mental skills behind that ironic expression.If I were to tell you that sarcasm is one of our most powerful linguistic tools,your first response might reasonably be,yeah right! Perhaps you'd even simply assume that I was sinking into a little irony myself.Parents or teachers of teenagers,in particular,may find it hard to believe that this annoying linguistic habit is a sign of a flexible and inventive mind.Yet that is exactly what psychologists and neuroscientists have been arguing.Psychologists and neuroscientists have found that sarcasm requires the brain to jump through numerous hoops to arrive at a correct interpretation,requiring more brainpower than literal statements.
And although it's often dismissed as childish comments,sarcasm is actually evidence of maturity — as it takes years for a child's developing brain to fully grasp and master it.An understanding of sarcasm's use in humour develops particularly late — at around nine or ten years of age on average.
As a form of humour,sarcasm may also help us to deal with frustration or stress.It can be a way of letting off steam.Interestingly,studies have found that depressed and anxious individuals' use of sarcasm increased over the pandemic — which may reflect this coping mechanism.In general,though,the primary motivation of sarcasm will be linguistic — to add colour to the messages that we hope to convey.
It may initially feel like a shock when parents notice their children deploying sarcasm.Parents may feel particularly helpless when dealing with a teenager who injects it into almost all interactions,as if they struggle to express any sincere emotions.But should we blame teens for employing this versatile(多功能的) tool?Perhaps it's better seen as the useful practice of a vital ability.