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  • 1.  Carl正在向外国小朋友叙述中国七八月份特有的节日,请你读一读,结合语境选择正确的选项,帮Carl完成叙述。

    July is the1 month of the year. The2 of the Communist Party of 3 (CPC) is on July 1st. It's 4 important day to Party members. They celebrate the5

    The6 month7 the year is August. The People's Liberation Army (PLA) Day was8 on9 1st.10 August, students and teachers have their summer holidays.

    A . seventh B . seven C . sixth
    A . birthday B . birth C . birthdays
    A . China's B . China C . china
    A . an B . a C . /
    A . day B . a day C . days
    A . eighty B . eight C . eighth
    A . at B . of C . on
    A . founds B . founded C . found
    A . June B . July C . August
    A . On B . In C . At
