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  • 1. (2015八上·上城期中) 单词拼写 首字母已经给出。补充句子。

    1. (1) Jane isn't very o. She often stays at home and reads some books.
    2. (2) We took q a few photos in the park yesterday.
    3. (3) Can you find any d between the twins?
    4. (4) An elephant is much heavier t a pig.
    5. (5) Can you tell me the r why you are late for school today?
    6. (6) —Do you like sports news?

      —Yes, I do. But my sister can't s it.

    7. (7) Tony and Tommy are twins. That's why they have many things in c.
    8. (8) There will be a chess c next week. Are you interested in it?
    9. (9) It's n for me to learn how to swim. It's a skill for life.
    10. (10) She showed her t for singing and won the first prize.
