Billions of people across the world use cell phones. Though cell phones can be wonderful, tools of 1 , freeing us from the confines of an office and providing more 2 time, they often do the exact opposite. Cell phone use has confused the line between work and non-work time, 3 stress and anxiety within families and between friends. As Eric Slate, author of Technoslave mentioned in his article, "It seems the more4 ‘we are, the more detached (不相连的) we become."
There is a risk of being too connected. While I was hiking in Spain, I got 5 a few times. I saw new views and was surprised by expected sights and towns I wouldn't have 6 . Back in the US, whenever I got lost, I would always call a friend for 7 on my cell phone. With a cell phone, you're less 8 to go down the wrong street and see new things or unexpectedly know new people.
So when I recently returned home to Burlington, Vermont, put my cell phone away and 9 an old bike for a regular landline telephone that was connected to the wall and everything. Now, I go outside and don't make a phone call or 10 my phone. So, I've seen things in my neighborhood I 11 noticed before, like a big flower garden around the block and artwork down the road. Now that I'm not glued to my cell phone, I've 12 new people on the street and at the supermarket, started 13 with neighbor s I haven't spoken with before and 14 my friends face-to-face instead of over the phone.
Instead of isolating me from the world, keeping away from phones has 15 me become more in touch with community. I am no longer a slave (奴隶) of my cell phone.