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        I really love soccer.I'm a member(成员)of our school soccer team and I play four times a week.I also like basketball and I often play it after school.I don't like tennis.I think it's boring.


        My favorite sport is volleyball.I also like tennis very much,but I don't play it in school.I go to a club(俱乐部)with my friends.I'm not very good at ping—pong and I don't like it very much.


        Bicycle riding(骑自行车)is my favorite sport.I often go to school by bicycle, I also like traveling by bicycle and I do it with my dad a lost.It's great fun and it's very interesting.I don't like soccer and basketball.


        I think soccer is great.It's a really exciting and interesting game.My two brothers are in our school soccer team and they teach me a lot.I don't like volleyball. I think it's boring.Basketball is great.It's fun playing it with friends.



    1. (1) What sport doesn't Tack like ?
      A . Volleyball. B . Tennis. C . Basketball. D . Soccer.
    2. (2) What can we know about Anna?
      A . She plays tennis at a club. B . She thinks ping-pong is boring. C . She plays volleyball in her school. D . She likes to play volleyball with her friends,
    3. (3) Who likes traveling by bicycle?
      A . Jack. B . Anna. C . David. D . John.
    4. (4) Who teaches John soccer?
      A . His friends. B . His brothers. C . His father. D . His uncle.
    5. (5) How many students like playing basketball?
      A . One. B . Two. C . Three. D . Four.
