I feel unhappy.
Lingling says: 22 August 2024 at 20:18 Hi, Chen Jie, I'm Lingling. I have a little brother, but sometimes I feel unhappy. My parents give my little brother more attention(关注) because he's too young. I know we should help him but I miss(思念) the old days. What can I do?
23 August 2024 at 17:32 Hi, Lingling, It's okay to feel a bit left out when there's a new baby in the family. Your little brother is getting lots of attention, but it doesn't mean your parents don't love you. I'm 13 years old. When my little sister came three years ago, I felt this way sometimes too. But I'm happy because I can do more things by myself when my parents are not at home. I usually look after(照顾) my sister. I play with her, feed her and change her diaper. It helps me learn to be a good big brother. Don't worry, Lingling. Everything will be better! |