Mama was calling to me. I started awake, realizing it must be nearly midnight. "Mary," she said 1 , "Where's your homework?" Then I remembered I had not finished my homework. "Oh, Mama, I fell asleep," I told her weakly. "Well, your 2 comes first! You'd better finish your work." She said. I dragged myself out of bed. As I did so, I could not help feeling 3 . Why me? Those feelings were nothing new, but I did not give voice to them. With Mama, you didn't argue. You just 4 . I finished my work and gave it to her to check.
I remember when Ann and I walked barefoot to school one fine September day because our 5 had worn out and there wasn't enough money for Mama to buy us new ones. The headmaster asked us to go home, for he couldn't have students attending school barefoot. I suggested to Ann that 6 spend the day in a nearby farm instead. Just about the time school was over we went home. There was Mama, waiting for us. I 7 a story rather than let her down. Then she started crying. It was 8 that she knew everything. She told us never to be 9 of being poor. "The most important is not what you 10 , but who you are", said Mama.
Mama's strictness with me always made me feel as if I pleased her less than her other children. However, the 11 that I got has guided me for many years. I have come to be 12 for the value of Mama's strict requests. Still, one question continued to 13 me for more than 30 years. Then one day I asked her 14 she was always so much stricter with me than others. She looked at me straight in the eyes and said, "I had to be harder on you because you had more gifts. It was more important for you to get all the schooling you could because I just knew that many other people would be depending on you to do your best. "I 15 , Mama." At last I did.