Museum lets visitors walk in the shoes of a police officer
Police shows on TV are filled with high- speed car chases and crimes solved in a few minutes. But that's not a typical day for a real- life police officer. To get a more accurate picture, head to the National Law Enforcement Museum in Washington. Exhibits there invite visitors to use their senses of sight, hearing, touch and smell to gather information the way police do.
Let's look at a few exhibits.
K-9 Units
See a video of how dogs are trained to join K-9 Units. Test your ability to smell and identify various scents(气味). Learn which kinds of dogs are better at tracking bad persons while others are better at sniffing out dangerous goods.
The Web of Law Enforcement
You' ll quickly learn that crime- solving is a team effort, not only within one department, but among organizations across the country. Inspection Service is just one of the law enforcement groups helping local police when needed. For example, six organizations worked together on a national park graffiti(涂鸦) case.
Five Communities
Every community is different. Learn how the needs and challenges of five communities are being dealt with. These communities goals are to develop programs, while increasing trust between local people and police. What might work in your neighborhood? There's a place for visitors to share their thoughts.
The Training Simulator
Those aged 12 and older can try the same training scenarios(方案) and . equipment used in professional law enforcement classes in which police try to resolve difficult situations. Short videos test participants' abilities to observe accurately and think quickly before reacting.
The exercises give an understanding of what officers face on a daily basis.
" Many kids first think it's like a video game," said Alan Davis, an educator and New York police officer." They soon realize that real- life decision- making in a second isn't easy, and they freeze. For real police there are no second chances."