There was once a large bottle of fresh, clean water. Every drop in the bottle felt (骄傲的)of being so clear and pure.
But one day, one of the drops got bored with his clean existence. He would like to see what it would be like to be a dirty drop. The other drops tried to talk him out of the idea, but (失败).
When the drop came back all dirty, all the other drops in the bottle were (影响) and changed into dirty drops, too. (若干; 几个) months later, someone put the bottle in a pool. A lot of clean water entered the large bottle, and the drops finally made (它们自己) pure again.
Now the drops reach an (协议) that if they want to be clean, then each of them will have to stay clean. (纠正) the mistake of even one single drop needs much hard work.
In a way, this bottle of water is (相似的) to the situation on the Earth. If we want to live on a clean planet, it is necessary for each of us to be a"clean drop." Whenever someone or some country becomes a"dirty drop" and (污染) the air or the ocean, the whole Earth becomes a bit dirtier. The same may also happen to you and your class. If you want your class to be excellent, then each of you will need to behave (好). Are you a"clean drop"?