Have you ever seen a bee fly busily? Do you think the bee is just flying around? In fact, the bee is hard at work.
Bees spend lots of time looking for food.But not all the bees in the hive(蜂巢) have this work.Bees can be divided into three kinds—a queen bee, drones(雄蜂), and worker bees.The queen bee is very important.She is the mother of all the bees that live in the hive.Worker bees do all the other work in the hive.Besides looking for food, they make and clean the hive.They also look after the queen and protect her.
Bees make dance-like movements inside the hive to send messages about food.They use different movements to give different information.They tell where food can be found and how far it is from the
hive.Bees can even share how much food there is and how good it is.And surprisingly, a new study has found that a group of bees could generate an amazing total of electricity by beating their wings more than 200 times per second.And the amount(量) of electricity could reach 100 to 1,000 V.That's eight times greater than the electricity a storm cloud can produce.
Scientists found that the thicker a cloud of bees is, the more electricity it generates.Based on these findings, the team recorded that bees—which group together to form a huge, thick cloud of bees—could have an influence similar to that of a storm.Further research is needed to find out how electricity influences the bees and their environment.
a.Make the hive.
b.Look for food.
c.Take care of the queen.
d.Protect drones.