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  • 1. 阅读下面短文,根据其内容完成后面各项任务。

        Bethany Hamilton is a professional surfer (职业冲浪手) in America. Her parents are both surfing lovers. As a baby; Bethany liked to play in the water. She started surfing at the age of five. By thirteen, she had been one of the best teenage (青少年) surfers in the world shark attack(鲨鱼袭击) happened.

        On the morning of 31st October 2003, Bethany and some friends decided to go suing. The sky was clear, and the weather was free. The 13-year-old surfing star was lying on her surfboard (冲浪板) with her left arm in the clear, blue water Suddenly a five-metre shark appeared and attacked her. Bethany saw the water around her turn red. She held on to her board and the shark swam away — but it took her left arm with it. Luckily, the shark attacked only once. It all happened so fast that she didn't even shout.

        Bethany thought, "Get to the beach. Get to the beach." She stared to swim with one arm. She shouted for help. Her friends didn't know about the shark attack — they thought at first that she was joking (开玩笑)然后他们看到了红色的水并迅速过来帮忙。 It took her about fifteen minutes toreach the beach. They called 911 and Bethany got tohospital at last. Surprisingly (惊奇的是), she wassurfing again in a competition only ten weeks later.And less than a year after the shark attack, she won first place in a surfing competition in Hawaii.

    1. (1) 回答问题:

      Do Bethany's parents like surfing?

    2. (2) 回答问题:

      What does the underlined word "it" in the second paragraph refer to(指的是)?

    3. (3) 将文中划线的英语句子译成汉语。

    4. (4) 将文中划线的汉语句子译成英语。

    5. (5) 回答问题:

      How long did it take Bethany to get to the beach after the shark attack?
