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  • 1. 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。

    A:Hello, Sean.

    B:Hi, Peter.

    A:No, I don't.

    B:She's Tracy.She is my sister's friend.


    B:Yes, my sister always tells me her things (事情).I even(甚至)know her eating habits.


    B:She likes milk and eggs for breakfast.She likes vegetables for lunch and fruit for dinner.

    A:I think she eats well.

    B:Yes, and she always plays tennis. We must learn from(向……学习) her.

    A:OK. Let's meet at 5:00.

    A.Who is she?

    B.What are they?

    C.Do you know her?

    D.Is the girl your sister's friend?

    E.The girl's eating habits are very good.

    F.What about playing tennis after school?

    G.Do you know the girl in green in Class Four?
