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    Mikey:I will(将)meet some friends after breakfast.And I'll go to the supermarket (超市)after that.Do you need(需要) anything, Mom?

    Mom:Oh, yes please.We need some chicken for lunch.

    Mikey:OK. What about fruit?

    Mom:I want some bananas, strawberries, and pears.We can have fruit salad for dinner. Oh, can you get four tomatoes and two carrots too?

    Mikey:Sure. I'll buy some chicken, fruit, tomatoes and carrots.Any bread or milk?

    Mom:No, we have much.Oh, we don't have eggs.

    Mikey:OK.I'll buy some.

    Morn:Thank you, Mikey.You can buy ice-cream for yourself.

    Mikey:That's great! I like it.

    Mom:Let's have breakfast first.



    1. (1) Mikey will meet his friends ________.
      A . in the supermarket B . in the library C . in the morning D . in the afternoon
    2. (2) What will Mikey eat for lunch?
      A . Rice. B . Chicken. C . Bread. D . Hamburgers.
    3. (3) Mikey will buy ________carrots.
      A . two B . three C . four D . five
    4. (4) Which of these will Mikey buy?
      A . Bread. B . Eggs. C . Milk. D . Apples.
    5. (5) What does Mikey like?
      A . Strawberries. B . Tomatoes. C . Salad. D . Ice-cream.
