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  • 1. (2015七上·滨江期中) 请为每个笑话选择最合适的标题,并将答案写在题前的括号内。

    A.I can't find it.               B.He is really somebody.

    C.You're right.                D.A great man

    E.Where is the egg?            F. I am not wrong.

    1. (1)

      Tom: Dad, give me a dime(十美分).

      Father: Boy, you are too old to ask parents for dimes.

      Son: You're right, Dad. Give me a dollar(美元).

    2. (2)

      Teacher: Can you make a sentence(句子) with the word "egg"?

      Student: Yes. I had a piece of cake yesterday.

      Teacher: Then where is the "egg"?

      Student: In the cake, Sir.

    3. (3)

      Teacher: Would Shakespeare(莎翁)be a great man if he were alive(活着) today? Student: Of course. Nobody has been 400 years old. .

    4. (4)

      Child: My uncle has 1000 men under him.

      Man: He is really somebody. What does he do?

      Child: A gatekeeper(门卫)at the cemetery(墓地).

    5. (5)

      Mum: Look at your socks. One is short; the other is long. You put on the wrong ones.

      Helen: I am not wrong. Look there! One sock is short and the other sock is long, too.
