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  • 1. (2017高一上·孝感期中) 阅读理解

        You have probably heard the saying,"When life gives you lemons,make lemonade."Since lemons are considered bitter and lemonade is considered sweet,the saying tells you to make the best out of a bad situation.

        Unfortunately,when something bad happens,it's not uncommon for most people to talk about it to anyone who'll listen,and complain about life,"Why me?"That's like getting a bag of lemons,putting them down,and thinking, "Lemons taste bad!I'd rather have chocolate!"If you don't make anything with the lemons,they will go bad.But what if you did something with them?What if you made lemonade?Isn't it possible to do something similar with a bad situation?

        Here's an example.Let's say you're about to go to the movies,but you discover you have a flat tire(瘪胎).You consider this a terrible thing. After all,you are really looking forward to spending some time with Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone.Now you're all stressed out,hating the tire,the car,and your life.But what if you called AAA,got your tire fixed or got caught up on things that you'd been meaning to do?What if you did some reading,or had coffee with a friend instead?A negative experience can be turned into something positive.Almost anything can work itself out into something better.You can't change what has happened,right?So make the best of it.I'm not saying it will be easy. The easy thing to do is complain about your bad situation and not consider what it could be turned into.

        Next time when some unfortunate things happen,stop and think,"How can I turn this around?How can I make it a positive experience?You needn't fear difficulties.As long as you keep on changing it,you will see the benefits(好处)at last.

    1. (1) What do we know about the saying in paragraph 1?
      A . It is encouraging. B . It is funny. C . It is easy to do. D . It is negative.
    2. (2) What do most people usually do when something bad happens?
      A . Accept it. B . Find out the reasons. C . Complain about it. D . Ask others for help.
    3. (3) The author uses the example of seeing a movie to tell us_______.
      A . a flat tire happens sometimes B . it doesn't matter to make mistakes C . meeting film stars is a very exciting thing D . how to tum something bad into something good
    4. (4) According to the author,what is the best way to deal with a bad situation?
      A . Trying hard to solve it. B . Laughing your way through it. C . Thinking more about its benefits. D . Turning it into a positive experience actively.
