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  • 1. (2017高二上·孝感期中) 完形填空

        A father and his teenage son were out together at a shopping mall one day. The son wanted to buy a new pair of 1 at the sports store.

        2 they were making their way through the crowded food store, a young woman holding a number of bags 3 and the contents of several of them spilled (洒落) across the floor.

        The son stepped around the woman and continued with the flow only to 4 that his father wasn't next to him. Looking around he 5 his father bending down and helping the woman 6 the spilled items.

        Feeling a bit bad he hadn't thought to stop and help, he simply stood and 7 from the distance. He was 8 when his father handed the woman her things and she simply took them away without 9 him and said “I can do it myself!” When his father returned, the son expressed his 10 at how impolite the woman had been.

        In the sports store the son was so 11 about the incident that he spent most of the time complaining. They soon left without the shoes.

        Later at 12 the son told his mother the story13 her to be just as angry as he was at the woman's14 His mother looked at her husband 15 enjoying his meal and said, “Son, your father left that woman behind hours ago. Why are you 16with her?”

        When we hold onto 17 feelings, all it does is to leave us stuck (陷入) in the past and18 to move forward. One of the best things you can do to stay happy is to 19 to let things go. It is okay to show anger and unhappiness.20 don't let them affect you and how you see the world.

    A . glasses B . shoes C . gloves D . trousers
    A . Although B . Because C . If D . As
    A . showed up B . fell over C . went by D . came along
    A . realize B . forget C . know D . agree
    A . heard B . stopped C . noticed D . minded
    A . add up B . break up C . pick up D . make up
    A . helped B . watched C . rested D . shouted
    A . shocked B . grateful C . generous D . frightened
    A . joining in B . dealing with C . standing for D . looking at
    A . anger B . wish C . request D . happiness
    A . pleased B . upset C . interested D . calm
    A . school B . store C . dinner D . bed
    A . begging B . admitting C . expecting D . allowing
    A . unhappiness B . carelessness C . loneliness D . impoliteness
    A . sadly B . personally C . briefly D . happily
    A . still B . even C . already D . never
    A . powerful B . valuable C . different D . unhappy
    A . confident B . unable C . determined D . willing
    A . refuse B . learn C . fail D . plan
    A . In addition B . Finally C . However D . Above all
