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  • 1. (2015九上·下城期中) 阅读下列短文, 从题中所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。


        There used to be many beautiful flowers in our garden. Among them was a beautiful blue flower. My husband once told me that it only bloomed (开花) in spring and the sun in summer was too hot for it. When summer came, he would move it out of the garden and put it inside our house.

        Once, my husband was away for some time on business, so I had to take care of the flowers. Before leaving, he told me to pay special attention to the blue flower. I planned to look after it as my husband had ever done, but I was too busy to remember it. One weekend when I wanted to move the blue flower into the house, I found that it had already died. I was very sad and regretted not taking good care of it earlier.

        A week ago, my husband's elder sister, Linda, died of serious stomach cancer. Linda was much older than my husband. Maybe because of the age distance, we were not very close. After she died, we were very sad and regretted not visiting her often.

        Linda's death reminds me of the blue flower. We should have done something better, but we haven't tried our best. I believe that God has given us enough time to plant some wonderful things that will bloom inside us, but we have missed it.

    1. (1) Which of the following is the right description of the blue flower?

      ①It only bloomed in spring.

      ②It didn't look beautiful.

      ③The hot sun in summer was bad for it.

      ④It had to be kept indoors in summer.

      A . ①③④ B . ②③④ C . ①②④ D . ①②③④
    2. (2) When might the writer's husband be away on business?
      A . In spring. B . In summer. C . In autumn. D . In winter.
    3. (3) Why didn't the writer take good care of the blue flower?
      A . Because she didn't like the flower. B . Because she was too busy to remember the flower. C . Because her husband didn't ask her to do that. D . Because she didn't know how to take care of the flower.
    4. (4) The writer wants to tell us       .
      A . She shouldn't forget our flowers B . Stomach cancer is a terrible illness C . We should learn to love what we have now D . It's not easy to take care of flowers
