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  • 1. (2018高二上·葫芦岛月考) 任务型阅读

        School is more than a place where students learn subjects such as math, science and reading. While the focus of school is not to make a student socially popular, learning these skills is an important part of education. You may have personal issues when it comes to making friends in class, but with coaching you will be well on your way to climbing the social ladder. Here are some instructions.

        Partner with classmates. Use projects as a reason to partner with people you would like to become friends with in your class. Be reliable when partnering on a project so that you carry your own weight and put your best foot forward.

        There are many lulls (间歇) during class that will afford you an opportunity to engage a classmate. Giving a compliment to a person without overdoing it will help you come off friendly without looking desperate. Icebreakers can be as simple as saying hello or talking about the weather or class work.

        Get involved in activities. Offer to join a study group or get involved in other school activities to meet up with potential friends.

    Share your knowledge with others. Helping others you wan! to befriend to understand a concept is a great way to avoid disrupting the class and to make contact.

        Send others positive signals such as smiling or waving so that you seem friendly.

    A. Break the ice without disturbing the class.

    B. Take an active approach to making friends.

    C. Ask for help from students you want to befriend.

    D. Join available school programs that you are interested in.

    E. Assignments will give you an excuse to communicate if you are shy.

    F. It is also an environment that teaches and tests social communication.

    G. This can be pleasing as well as a great way to interact with parents.
